Installing QCompress

There are a few options for installing QCompress:

  1. To install QCompress using pip, execute:
pip install qcompress
  1. To install QCompress using conda, execute:
conda install -c rigetti -c hsim13372 qcompress
  1. To instead install QCompress from source, clone this repository, cd into it, and run:
git clone
cd QCompress
python -m pip install -e .

Try executing import qcompress to test the installation in your terminal.

Note that the pyQuil version used requires Python 3.6 or later.

Installing QCompress on QMI

For installing QCompress on a user’s Quantum Machine Image (QMI), we recommend the following steps:

  1. Connect to your QMI with SSH.
  2. Launch a Python virtual environment:
source ~/pyquil/venv/bin/activate
  1. To install QCompress, clone then install from github or install using pip:
git clone
cd QCompress
pip install -e .


pip install qcompress
  1. To execute the Jupyter notebook demos or run QCompress on Jupyter notebooks in general, execute:
tmux new -s <ENTER-SESSION-NAME>
source ~/pyquil/venv/bin/activate

pip install jupyter
jupyter notebook
  1. (Optional) To run your quantum autoencoder instance on the QPU, book reservations in the compute schedule via qcs reserve.

NOTE: We assume the user has already set up his/her QMI. If the user is new to QCS, please refer to Rigetti QCS docs to get started!